Transforming the Arizona Desert


In 2012, the U.S. Army enlisted Lorem Ipsum to create a broadcast advertising campaign aimed at recruiting interpreters into the military. Our team transformed the Arizona desert near Fort Huachuca into a convincing Middle Eastern landscape, producing a multilingual campaign in Arabic, Farsi, and Pashto.

Lorem Ipsum transformed the Arizona desert into a Middle Eastern landscape for a U.S. Army interpreter recruitment campaign.

Among other sets, our production crew meticulously constructed a typical Afghan village, complete with authentic architectural details and cultural elements. This involved the detailed replication of village structures, market stalls, and residential areas, reflecting the daily life and environment of Afghan communities.

Following U.S. Army guidelines, we used real-life U.S. military personnel. Their participation added a layer of authenticity, with soldiers demonstrating language and cultural interactions in a military context. The integration of military personnel was crucial in depicting realistic scenarios and interactions.

Real U.S. military servicemen participated, adding authenticity by demonstrating language and cultural interactions in realistic scenarios.

Military and cultural advisors were instrumental on the set. Their guidance ensured the accurate representation of military procedures and cultural nuances. Advisors assisted in everything from costume accuracy to language use, ensuring the campaign’s credibility and respectfulness.

The U.S. military provided uniforms, weapons, Humvees, and other vehicles for authentic depictions.

The U.S. military provided all the necessary equipment for the shoot. This included not only uniforms and weapons but also Humvees and other military vehicles. The use of actual military equipment allowed for authentic depictions of military operations and settings.

Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Chris Cooper
Army Strong
U.S. Army
Lorem Ipsum