
Media and VR Experience at Google Headquarters around the World

Corporate Communications

In 2015, Google commissioned Lorem Ipsum to create a unique personal theater experience. The installation featured video content from some of YouTube’s most renowned bloggers, including MatPat, Laura Vitale, and The Young Turks.

The installation features video content from some of YouTube’s most renowned bloggers, including MatPat, Laura Vitale, and The Young Turks.

Titled Google Preferred Experience, the installation included a miniature single-seat cinema shaped like the letter “G” from the Google logo, immersing viewers in the world of YouTube. It offered popular creators’ perspectives on key themes of their blogs, their relationships with fans, and their views on the platform itself. At the center of the installation was an ergonomic leather chair, controlled by activating sensors, helping viewers relax and enjoy the images on screens with a 200° viewing angle.

Lorem Ipsum’s crew captured the video footage in multiple languages over five days at YouTube Studios in New York, Los Angeles, and London. The panoramic presentation was later assembled in post-production and mapped onto the curved panoramic screen.

Google Preferred installation at Google’s Manhattan offices.

After premiering at Google’s Manhattan landmark building, the installation traveled to Google’s headquarters in San Francisco, as well as their offices in London and Tokyo.

Lorem Ipsum’s team also created a 360-degree VR experience, which could be viewed using Google Cardboard virtual reality glasses.

Google’s Offices in San Francisco, New York, London, and Tokyo
Abigail Honor
Chris Cooper
Google Preferred Personal Theater Experience
Concept, Design, Fabrication, and Media Production
Lorem Ipsum