Icebreaker Simulator Ride

Museums and Exhibits

In 2018, the Lorem Ipsum embarked on a cutting-edge project to create an immersive video simulation of the captain’s bridge on an Arctic icebreaker. This 4D experience, featuring an electric robotic arm that mimics the vessel’s movements through the ice, required a captivating visual display outside a series of windows.

The immersive media on the panoramic screen outside the windows is coordinated with the movement of the icebreaker.

To achieve this, Lorem Ipsum crafted a compelling narrative and produced entirely computer-generated content for a 54-foot panoramic LED screen that envelops the mobile cabin.

Leveraging game engine technology, the experience allows visitors not only to passively enjoy the ride but also to take the helm and drive the icebreaker using simulator controls. The media dynamically reacts to the visitor’s instructions, enhancing the sense of realism.

The synchronization of the platform’s pitch and heave with the audiovisual elements creates a strikingly realistic illusion of navigating through the frozen expanse.

The Atom Pavilion
Chris Cooper
3D Animation
Bruce Chilton
Arctic Icebreaker Simulator Ride
The Atom Foundation
Media Production
Lorem Ipsum