Snap Inc.

AR for Fashion and Retail


In 2018, Lorem Ipsum was selected among a limited number of companies to participate in Ghost, Snap’s AR Innovation Lab, sponsored by Verizon 5G Labs. This initiative aims to unlock the next generation of augmented reality products, helping people shop, learn, play, and solve everyday problems worldwide.

Lorem Ipsum’s MagicMirror Snap Lens allows customers to try on multiple versions of any piece of clothing in augmented reality.

As part of the program, Lorem Ipsum created a one-of-a-kind retail experience—MagicMirror, a new Snap Lens that allows customers to try on multiple versions of any piece of clothing. Using Snap’s advanced mapping technologies, we designed this AR solution to benefit both retailers and in-store shoppers.

MagicMirror uses 3D Body Mesh and cloth simulation to create a seamless and accurate virtual try-on experience.

MagicMirror leverages advanced technologies to enhance the shopping experience. The 3D Body Mesh maps the body and joints, while the cloth simulation ensures clothes respond naturally to movements and gravity. Additionally, MagicMirror perfectly matches the color of the physical clothing with what the user sees on their mobile device screen. These capabilities are crucial for enabling shoppers to confidently purchase virtual try-on products, ensuring they aren’t surprised by a different color when they receive the physical item.

MagicMirror Snap Lens streamlines the fitting room experience for shoppers and boosts retailer sales.

The MagicMirror Snap Lens reduces wasted time from trips back to racks, creates a swift and seamless purchase flow, and enhances the fitting room experience. This innovation also helps retailers reduce their physical footprint and inventory while increasing overall sales.

Santa Monica, California
MagicMirror Snap Lens
Snap Inc.
Concept, Design, Software Development
Lorem Ipsum